Sunday, November 4, 2012

Oh Twoodles :)

A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world. --John 16:21 NIV
OH Twoodles!  My li'l boy is two years old.  Two years ago I was the calmest and most at peace I have ever been and that is honestly a testimony to the power of prayers.  Two years ago plus a day on November 2, 2010 I was two seconds from discharging myself from the hospital.  I was on day 8 and losing my mind.  The IV was driving me crazy.  The view of my hospital room had me believing the walls were closing in on me.  I was more than a little perturbed with the hospital staff.  I was finished with being a patient.  Either deliver the kid or we'll see ya in a couple of days.  I was tired of being pricked, poked, monitored, vitals checked, data recorded - DONE DONE DONE!  But that following day at the ultra sound where Drew was showing distress and my stats were a little crazy high I would have taken back every mutter of protest.  11 weeks early is too early -  but good thing God was in control and not me.  I joke now that my son was just done cookin'  and you don't want to mess with perfection :)  I called my husband told him to leave work, stop by the house grab comfy clothes and let out our dog and then head on up to the hospital.  I told you I was pretty chill for what was about to unfold.  I had never had any type of surgery and because of his early arrival a C-section wasn't just a possibility it was the only option. 
All the stuff I was a fearful of was handled with little to no incident.  Catheter which I feared worse than birds (which for me is the height of fears) was nothing.  The pain from surgery was almost non-existent.  My son's time in the NICU in hindsight was almost as uneventful as possible (sure the forty four days we endured went painstakingly slow and were riddled with nervous hiccups). 
And two years later?  I still cry at the stories of those who visit the NICU.  As I hear the beeps and in my mind picture the monitors of lines we stared at for reassurance, hope, and feeling involved with our child's well-being.  But two years later I get to chase after my son who is doing awesome.  We giggle, we sing, we pray, we babble, we cuddle, and we dance - we dance a lot - okay really he dances a lot and I dance some :)  We also curl up and watch MICKEY MOUSE.  I have been a Disney fan for as long as I can remember.  If you enter our house you are most likely to notice my Lion King Plate Collection and this huge Disneyland Poster. 
So when it came to a theme for Drew's 2nd I thought it was going to be Elmo and then Mickey Mouse Clubhouse rounded the corner and won the race by a mile.  He loves their opening theme song which we bounce to but it is the closing Hot Dog number where we both get up and shimmy!  We giggle and we dance.  That means for lunch today we offered our family and friends a hot dog lunch.  We tried to keep things simple.  But that is hard for me.  I say it to my husband and he takes that to mean we are going to keep it simple.  And in my head it means I won't rent a circus nor book Cinderella's castle but otherwise everything is fair game.  I have spent many of nights trying to create the perfect decorations.  However, I was still hanging items (and not all got hung) by the time guests started to arrive, nor was I completely dressed, nor had I brushed my hair.  I felt like such a supermom/host - welcome let me go get ready for the party we invited you to.  :( 
But as Dr. Seuss said "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." We had a good turn-out - no one went away hungry and the birthday boy napped and played and laughed! 
We welcome the two's with trepidation as we say good-bye to the baby years and the toddling because everyday his footing gains sureness, confidence, and speed.  Quickly he leaves his baby steps behind to race unto adulthood.  We also welcome the two's with pride, excitement, and anticipation.  I hear they bring out some terrible facets of growth but I know (and hope) for the terrific twists.
May your HealthFULL Journey include a little cake to celebrate those moments that feel they might break you but actually are the moments we laugh about and end up raising our arms in gratitude to a Lord who knows best and showers us with more blessings than we could ever imagine. 

Because sometimes we get our cake and get to eat it too :)
 Happy Twoodles - 'Til we meet again. . .

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