Monday, October 22, 2012

Call me Suzy Homemaker :)


"Train children in the right way,
and when old, they will not stray." --Proverbs 22:6

 I've started yet another new job.  The hours are long and demanding - the pay is pretty much zilch (literally!) and the boss, well at least my immediate daily supervisor - whew - misses NOTHING!  Here - meet my boss - Mr. Drew - 
Yes, my boss is a little bit precious.  A little bit adorable - but don't let him fool you - he is demanding and misses NOTHING!  Bathroom breaks are not tolerated and no sneaking off for an early coffee break - munchies will be shared or there will be none. 
Why the change?  I loved the challenge of my last job opportunity and the kids were enthusiastic and entertaining.  But the schedule was wrecking havoc here at home.  I was scheduled 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. with roughly a half hour drive time either direction.  This did not include the drop-off schedule for caretakers.  And my son is an afternoon napper.  Which means it was too late to start a nap after switching caretakers or too early for nap to be done.  For two weeks this kid was working on less than ten to thirty (luxury version and rare!) minute naps. The earliest dinner happened was 7:00 pm.  Note I said earliest and that is not helpful for a toddler nor his parents.  Plus Monday through Friday with afternoon childcare needs we were always coming up a day short for childcare.  Someone had appointments, or my husband had a funny work schedule, or some random emergency and we were always struggling and complaining (I was more the complainer and the whiner - but the whole house suffered!)  So with a lot of prayer and discussion we realized we weren't benefitting from the job as much as we hoped.  With a daily afternoon obligation I wasn't quite motivated to dive into some of the big organization projects I have piling up around here.  Plus, the point of working part-time was to actually spend time with my son and that's not really quality time as he chases me around for attention and then destroys the area I have neatened - frustrating us all.  The extra income was going to gas, childcare, and eating out as we were trying to eat somewhat together somewhat early.  And housework wasn't happening,  I tried to code it in organization but I must reiterate housework was very low on the priority list - laundry and dishes were bare minimum to keep the house functioning, but otherwise very VERY low on the list.  And family time was schedules, clean (insert laundry and dishes here), fretting, and the occasional giggle. 
So as we wait for God's next whisper I am doing the job I have feared and secretly desired since my son's birth.  To be a stay at home mom.  Why a fear?  I am not one to clean nor cook really.  And being a mom sometimes still shocks me.  That this adorable toddler and I are connected for LIFE - that's a forever kind of commitment!  But the good things are too many to count.  I already feel accomplished for the first day.
I played with my son as we looked at books, chased each other around, danced (the kid has some fancy and hysterical moves), cuddled for television, and just randomly chatted and moved in the same space.  He helped me do three loads of laundry, took a long enough nap for me to tackle most of the master bathroom (it had hit EW! status), sweep, vacuum, change kitty litter, took an early morning bath, had an Early Interventionist appointment, straightened countertops, and with a little assistance from my hubby we cooked cheesy beer bread with chicken n dumplings.  YUM!!! I have never made a dumpling until today.  It is one of those comfort dinners of my childhood that seemed a perfect challenge for a beautiful autumn day when all three members of our family have some sort of cold. 
And the best part - my husband asked me tonight if I felt stressed and I giggled no!  I can't tell you the last evening I could have answered that question with a genuine no.  Oh there are challenges - like the small mountains of clutter that have taken residence.  There is the establishing a rhythm of my son and I and the balance of  this new role such as time and expectations of both my husband and myself.  And finances *gulp*.  But for the first time I am embracing TODAY!  Today I get to spend time with my son. I might find a new job tomorrow, next week, next month - who knows?  But I have today to enjoy my life, my family, my home and I am going to cherish it. 
This experience is a gift from my true boss - God.  And also a gift from my partner, my soul mate, my co-pilot in this parenting gig - my amazing hubby - who handles life with such a sense of ease.  And a gift to truly get to know my little wonder.  He's a tough boss with a good heart!  So I take the challenge with enthusiasm and anticipation for the rewards like this:
May your HealthFULL Journey lead you to Feeling Unbelievable & Loving Life.  We have today to spend with those we love and accomplish what really matters.  If tomorrow doesn't come are you happy with how you handled today?   God Bless 'til we meet again. . .    

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