Friday, May 20, 2011


I have not exercised for two days in a row.  I have only missed a total of four days (including these last two) since recommiting to the journey in the middle of March.  I am allowing myself this break due to a stupid cold.  Yes the cold is stupid.  I figured my movement will have to count for the dragging of feet as I transfer myself from recliner to couch to bed.  And I certainly am huffing and puffing as I can only breathe through my mouth (have I said stupid cold!).  How easy it is to take simple pleasures for granted (like breathing through the nose).  In one of my pity moments.  I decided to steal my hubby's soda as the only thing I kept up one hundred percent from my real food experience was not to purchase soda for myself (which is not a moment too soon as 12 packs are over seven dollars in a few grocery stores - that is ridiculous!!!).  I tend to drink diet sodas and though not many calories but then that is just chemicals that I don't particularly need.  And in my pity party I justified the need for flavor.  So I grabbed a can and gulped.  I gulped one hundred forty calories and did not taste a single flavor.  why?  Because of my stupid cold!  How I reach for easy comforts.  And as I have tried to change they no longer offer their familiarity, nor their ease, nor their pleasure.  They no longer are my comforts.  I am changing and my needs and wants should too.  So in this down time from exercise I need to reboot my system and figure out what can be my new comforts, wants, and needs.  If I want to change than everything either changes with me, comes along for the ride, or needs to be forgotten.  It reminds me of a great quote I received many years ago.  I believe the writer is anonymous.

I can't find the quote anywhere.  It was something like:

One must not fear change for it was why one left home to change the world

In other words.  I can't look to change my life and then be shocked that it has changed.

May your healthfull Journey be full of excitement, transformation, and growth.  'Til we meet again. . .

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