Christmas 2010 - When our li'l one was still li'l :) |
I love that name - "Emmanuel". That God chose to truly walk among us. He could have remained on His throne and let us tough it out. He could have came as an all powerful King but he didn't. He chose His son to be born a baby. He chose to show us he cared and would walk with us every step of the way.
Maybe this is why Christmas is such a precious holiday. Because babies remind us that life is fragile. That as humans we truly need relationships - connections to other human beings to survive right from the start. The commercial push is to start Christmas the instant we wash our Thanksgiving dishes (and certain stores stockpile their Christmas merchandise directly next to their Halloween decor). I have to admit I to start the Christmas holiday the day after Thanksgiving. But this is more due to the influence of my family than the stores.
My family loves Christmas! We embrace the seriousness, the beauty, the magic, the cheesy factor - oh we embraced it all!!! The day after Thanksgiving was the haul out the decorations and start what would be most likely a week long project. There was not a room untouched, or a corner unadorned. We used to put up at least eight Christmas trees (obviously artificial of all different sizes - but ALL were decorated). There would be Christmas Carols pouring out of the stereo (but this tradition started in August and would run into February - I may not be able to name a single current recording artist but I can name most Christmas Carols within five notes ;) You can see the outpour of love for this holiday continued to my brother's household who somehow found a lady who loved Christmas as much as he did. And my brother takes it a step further not only does he cover every inch of the inside of his house but Clark Griswold eat your heart out on the outside decorations which usually has at least one new purchase to drive the holiday spirit home. I've shared I loved this holiday so much it was my wedding theme and I was married in July :)
Christmas to me obviously is the celebration of my Saviour's birth. That God chose to truly live among us when He didn't have to but wanted to show His love in a way we could appreciate. We know He can truly understand our temptations, our triumphs, our challenges because he lived them without sin. Wow!
Now we all get caught in the drama, the details, the hoopla of the Season but there are so many blessings mixed into the commercial monster of it. Greeting Cards are a wonderful way to remind people - we care, we think of you, and we wish you the best. Although I am sure we will not be the only family that takes twenty family shots to pick the one that captures our best group look :) Gifts are a way to express love in that tangible way some of us need. That a gift touches upon our thoughts - you are listening, you do know me, and above all you value me. Money is tight and we get consumed by the advertising and the call to spend and forget it TRULY is the thought that counts. We go overboard on decorating, shopping, baking, visiting, and all the doing and sometimes forget the being present, forgetting: to listen, to sit still, to hope, to wonder, to wish, to share, or to just be.
I'm fighting that this weekend I would love to be further on my to - do list with the decorations up, the smell of baking wafting the house, and the Christmas Cards addressed and ready for pick-up. I am nowhere close to my ideal version of this weekend. My li'l one is sick, that crazy cold it sounds like so many have. One minute he seems perfectly toddler healthy, running and giggling, and the next moment cuddling with mommy while wearing new pajamas because the coughing was so harsh that a bath was required :( So as I reach for a project to begin I hear the coughs and slowly push away the to-do list. Because if the magic of the holiday is to be available, inviting, and full of wonder then I have to let go of the shoulds, the coulds, the woulds, the ought-to's, and be... Be ready, be available, and to be still.
May your HealthFULL Journey be one of wonder as we embrace the Christmas Season and more importantly the REASON for the Season. As your to-do list grows do not be afraid to cross out the extras or the overwhelming gestures and to remember that Simple and Humble is how Our Saviour greeted us, maybe the best way to celebrate Him is in the same way. 'Til we meet again. . .