Saturday, April 28, 2012

Not my finest hour

Not my finest hour

Oh, the grumbling stomach holds such power!
And then leads me to not my finest hour;
But was my stomach uttering a grumble?
Or was it more a mumble?

So instead I allowed my taste buds
To taste and taste seeking out the duds.
Seeking out the dud flavors for an excuse to eat more
And more and more until my tummy mumbles too full and very sore!

Calorie after calorie slips down my throat.
Each nibble receiving a vote
but tough competition as there was much to compare
No counting calories today - I wouldn't even dare.

But feeling frustrated and today was looking like a big fail
Lets measure the damage and step on the scale
Oooooh worse than I feared
My eyes sort of teared

This week I felt a bit lazy
and then today ate crazy!
I admit today was not my finest hour.
It would be so easy to find a corner and just cower,
But in the end that won't do much good.
So, I realize my choices and accept my mood.

Let's pick up and plan to do better - starting now!
Understand that not every moment is a wow;
But that every second can hold hope.
With that kind of thinking I can cope.

Today was not my finest hour,
But with a little focus I can regain my power.
Which means time to gather my pep,
And move forward towards health - step by step. 

I wrote this little rhyme because today I snacked and munched like there was no tomorrow.  And if I continue to eat like I did there will be fewer and fewer tomorrows.  That's a pretty sobering thought.  I told myself I was hungry but my stomach more than once said - NO MORE!  And the scale wasn't kind.  But I needed that tough love today.  If someone doesn't exercise and doesn't eat right the scale isn't bound by the rules of friendship.  So I am getting organized, minimizing the chaos, and hiring myself a trainer.  Well maybe not hiring but letting my 18 month old share his wisdom as he finds the fun and play in being active and also acting as my mirror 24/7 with his mimicking ways.  Today wasn't my finest hour but tomorrow will be lots better :)

May your HealthFULL journey highlight your weaknesses so that you can improve them.  May your HealthFULL journey also display your strengths.  Because everyone has both - and it is the wise people who learn to use both. 'Til we meet again. . . 

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