Wednesday, March 14, 2012


How often do you refresh?  You refresh your browser when the computer runs slowly.  You probably freshen up your make-up or appearance as you are running out the door.  You might serve refreshments to guests.  But how often do you remember to refresh yourself?  Yes we may take time to relax but that doesn't always refresh us (especially if you are catching up on email, heatedly texting, or watching riveting or not so riveting tv).  I mention this time of refresh as I had an amazing weekend - a pilgrimage if you will. 

It was a time to retreat, reflect, and yes - REFRESH!  The weekend included no watch, no cellphone, no computer, and no tv.  For some people reading that sentence gave you minor palpitations.  And if that is true - isn't that one indication you do need a time of refreshment?  A time to just let go of those daily demands that drain us - sometimes a lot - sometimes a little.  But drain us all the same.  No matter the size of the leak if let untouched it will drain you completely dry. 

Well I am feeling refreshed!  Even though I am dealing with a stupid cold.  But maybe that was my body's way of saying I needed some true rest.  As I napped most of the day away.  I am ready to recheck my priorities and though I feel I am on a good path there is still some pruning to be done.  If I want to be a different person than I need to do things differently, right?  For the most part I have made great progress on my 12 resolutions for the 12 months of 2012.  But I still have plenty of room for improvements. 

May you feel the peace of letting go and the chance to reorganize your priorities.  If you felt palpitations at the thought of letting go of your electronics (watch, cell phone, tv, and computer) I strongly encourage/challenge you to try a weekend of shutting them off or even an evening at home (four hours to start).  Its freeing and interesting to see what you end up doing :)  'Til we meet again. . . 

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