The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty. - Proverbs 21:5
Raise your hands if you like a bargain? Whether you are a coupon queen, a negotiating king, a thrifty shopper, or a sneaky sale hound we like to feel victorious over the final deal. And yet, we have been convinced that bigger means better, that quantity somehow outweighs quality, and that we must get as much bang for our buck as possible. We forget that not everything comes in big packages. I am specifically talking about the value meal. Today we had a chance to spend the day as a family. We have all been a bit under the weather so our day started late and we decided to go to a BBQ joint (which in South Carolina is pretty much available every other corner ;) One of my goals is to try new locations and this was a restaurant we hadn't tried yet. We scoured our coupon drawer (also trying to live within some kind of budget!) 2 victories in one! The coupon was buy one get one free. As we approached the counter I studied the menu. I take menu perusing pretty serious. I like to try a variety of plates so that I can narrow down the perfect bite. Part of my extreme perfectionistic control perspective. I'm working on it! So I am that annoying person in your group who will/has sent away a server at least 2 times before ordering. I narrowed down my option and consulted my coupon to make sure we were within the parameters of the fine print. I announced my order proudly and the cashier asked me which size? What? There is a size choice. Part of my go-to instinct is to grab the bigger size as the meal is free. And as I am about to speak of course I'll take the bigger size for the better deal. My mouth clamps shut and my mind gears begin to whirl - is the bigger size really a value? Either I am going to eat the extra calories as my brain won't tell me until five minutes after swallowing that it is full. Or I am not going to eat it which may help the scale but then is just a waste of food. Almost with a stance equal to Superman and a nod of resolve worthy of Wonder Woman I agree to the smaller portion. Back pat let the applause resound one victory towards the goal!!!! Then the questions continued what 2 sides? Ummm I wish I could tell you I took the steamed veggies and turned down the second offer. But truthfully I asked for corn pudding and potato salad. We sat down at the table as a family and encouraged our 3 year old we don't sit on the floor or scurry under tables and then as we were the only family in the restaurant let the kid play and talked like adults. Then three generous plates of food came to our table. I enjoyed my chicken and had several bites of both sides. And then I was satisfied. I have been sick with a bug of some sort so I pretty much inhale liquids and then feel as I am starving for substance. Take a huge plate but then realize a third of the plate is more than filling. There was a part of me that wanted to scoop these sides into my mouth but realized again. Is it really a bargain to shovel extra food in my mouth just because I can? It was a free meal and even if it wasn't; regardless how much I eat we still would be out the money we spent. I offered my son and husband to taste what they want. As I had my fill. I like tastes that doesn't mean I have to eat all twenty spoonfuls of the helping. My husband asked if I was done and the quiet resolve and certainty of being satisfied. That survival almost primitive reflex of a roar to protect my food was seconds away from erupting from my throat. Whoa! Step back, reflect, still adequately full, and a simple nod that yes I am finished will not empty the stomach nor will I faint if someone either finishes my food or throws it away. Whew! That was close. How many protective instincts swim around waiting to claim food? Store food? Hide food? Just in case I might get the eeniest bit hungry. Obviously some issues need rethinking and habits some retraining, but today we claim the victory. Always lookin' for a bargain - but now in light of the big picture of things and not that hasty impractical purchase that just sounds like a bargain ;)
May you chase down the thrill of the bargains that will benefit your HealthFULL Journey and gain perspective on what matters, what counts, and what we can do without. 'Til we meet again. . .
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