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“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. And he will place the sheep on his right, but the goats on the left. Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, ...
---Matthew 25:31-46 ESV
Last week was a week where you just hope to survive. Rules are good but not dealbreakers. Healthy eating probably not going to happen. Clean house - a nice dream. Happy home - sounds good on paper. But those transition weeks are just overwhelming. I ended my dream nanny job Tuesday and began my new job Thursday with a dr. appointment in between. And I was worried that
I was going to be without a job for a l-o-o-o-o-o-o-ng period of time - pffft! Funny how we worry about things that never come to light. Then we complain about the things that we hoped would happen - at least that seems to be a common pattern of my life.
Which also meant last week was a new childcare routine. Oh the things I took for granted in life before being a mom - long showers, hot meals, quiet, and schedules. Oh the nightmare of scheduling appointments, childcare, even spontaneous moments of fun need to be scheduled or they just don't happen :) What was new about this childcare routine? Besides church where I am actually in the building - I was leaving my baby with a care provider not directly related to me:( For almost the first 22 months of life ( minus NICU and nursery) my son has been supervised by myself, hubby, or grandmas. Oh how would we have survived without the grandmas I can't imagine! But we needed to make a few changes with my new work schedule and that meant enlisting the help of a dear friend who is a fabulous mommy and my numero Uno pick if it couldn't be family.
This meant a new location. I have been to my friend's house several times, I had my GPS and texted directions and I still got lost. I'm talking way lost! I argued with the GPS - I closed out my texted instructions and I clung to bits of my memory to string together a path to their house. Directions aren't my thing - but with an almost two year old in the car and the minutes ticking closer to my second day of work I had to pull it together and figure out a solution. I decided to turn around and start from scratch. And that's when I saw them. It was one of those sights that you blink your eyes to see if you are so stressed that you are hallucinating. Nope - definitely real. I saw a pack of goats. Not one not two. But at least 20 goats skipping along merrily in someone's yard. Not a farm but someone's yard. And I'm thinking to myself - how lost am I that I am seeing goats?
Oh it had been a week of highs and lows and just feeling completely overwhelmed. Last Tuesday I stood there crying in my brother's office as I no longer would be a nanny for my fabulous nieces and nephews. He is Mr. Sensitive when it comes to me and questions "Why are you crying - you are going to see them again - you're their aunt." I know, but its different. I won't hear the daily thoughts. I won't hear about their crazy dreams at breakfast or why their moods changed or that their favorite color changed three times within a day. On paper it might sound a bit strange or even the tiniest bit boring - but it is these little conversations that were like precious gems of our time together. And my bidding them good-bye as they began school I was losing a job of comfort - being aware of the expectations, familiar surroundings and knowing for the most part the kids and their temperaments. For I knew within two days new job with a clean slate - new environment, different kids, and piecing together what is expected. It's challenging. Somewhat taxing. And Extremely Overwhelming.
There are new routines, new directions, and new expectations to be established and conveyed. Working forty hour weeks was a new challenge and some of the housekeeping and organization duties went away for the summer. This omission added to the chaos that led to my wandering of streets and stumbling upon the goats. So after Friday it was time to establish a better foundation one that is strong and organized - not weak and cluttered from schedules, to household, to care of my family it was time to start. I chose the pantry - I am going to disclose a picture - it is the START of clearing my pantry and my opportunity to establish order in what began to feel like an overwhelming ocean of chaos.
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