Saturday, October 8, 2011


Isn't perspective an amazing tool?  When an adult refers to the pace of crawling it usually means painstakingly slow.  A baby's perspective is that they are zooming with their new acquired skill (parents chasing after them also may think crawling is too fast of pace).  There is a lot of crawling happening in our house.  Our son is having a blast with his new skill.  And more than once I have been in the same room with him and said "where is the baby?"  The kid moves quick!

Last night I felt like I was crawling out of my skin.  I was so hungry!!!! Actually to be truthful I was craving, I was mising my plates of pasta and bowls of ice cream,  sweet juices and unlimited fruit choices, crackling bags of crunchy potato chips.  Oh the list is endless.  In reality, did I NEED any of what I was craving? No.  Did I survive without it?  Barely.  I drove myself nuts and brought my hubby for the drive.  He must have felt like he was trapped in the car with young children who incessantly whine, beg, pout, question, and just babble.  I was trying everything I could imagine to distract myself.  I even tried to go sleep early (I think my hubby was politely removing himself from the incessant chatter.)  But I followed and tossed and turned.  I bolted out of bed grabbed a snack and headed to the tv.  But I left the snack to the side and drank water.  I broke a horrible habit of mine if it was even for one night.  I am so guilty of late night tv watching with a tasty snack (2 or 3) with a soda (or 2).  But I actually watched two episodes and only sipped on water.  I got through my first big night of cravings.  I did snack but within the allotted number of carbs.  I felt a small accomplishment.

Like my son, I am crawling through my days.  Trying to peek around the corners and rediscover the world.  What used to be easy options are no longer so I have to forge new pathways.  I am starting to feel slightly better.  I am drinking less diet soda a day (from 3 - 5 a day down to 1) and as a family we even went for a walk/stroll today.  My blood sugar numbers are declining which is good.  Crawling at times feels like a lot of effort.  But a consistent crawl still gets one to their destination.  So I'll take a cue from my son - enjoy the movement (whether it be forward, backward, or in circles) and discoveries will come, but in their own time.

May your HealthFULL Journey move at the pace of a crawl which includes a variety of perspectives. 'Til we meet again. . .

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