Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Relay for Life

Wow time flies when you're ....keeping busy :) And TRYING to have fun!!! Spring semester wrapped and then here comes summer semester nipping at the heels. Although Life seems to being moving a little faster I don't want to overlook such a special event. Our church came together to form a Relay for life team. If you don't know about Relay for Life you have got to do your research. It is an incredible fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. When our team captain was enlisting volunteers. He asked a simple request. Please stand up if you or someone close to you has been diagnosed with Cancer. I would say 90 % of the congregation stood. This statistic probably doesn't shock many people. But still the visual and the sounds of the scuffling feet was pretty intense. My hubby and I have each had a parent diagnosed. Hearing that C-word is life changing. We are beyond fortunate and still celebrating holidays and daily blessings with our loved ones. Sadly we have witnessed to many of our friends have to say good-bye too early to their family members. This year we have had so many people close to us or their family members be diagnosed. It is such a tough call on how to react and offer support. We want to be there for them, but respect everyone has their own journey in reacting and accepting this new reality. With all of these experiences we both wanted to support this wonderful event. We signed up and began to raise funds. Our intention was to take Saturday completely off and attend the whole event which was May 14, 2010 starting at 7 pm until 7 am Saturday May 15, 2010. You know what they say about intentions :) We tried, we planned, and God laughed. We both ended up working both Friday and Saturday. To be of use at our jobs we decided that attending the whole event wasn't practical. We were trying to decide what would be most beneficial and where we get some rest. Well Thursday evening we received an email with a schedule of when people were planning to walk. With the Relay for Life they ask that you have someone from your team on the track the whole event. Therefore creating a relay team. And my understanding why American Cancer Society schedules these events overnight and up to twenty-four hours is as a reminder that cancer never sleeps. After we received our schedule we realized almost all the time-slots were filled with at least one name. But wait with close examination there was two hour window where no one was signed up to walk. 1 - 3 am! How did people let that time prize slip under their noses. So my fantastic hubby and I claimed the time quickly before others got wind that there was a need ;) I have to confess filling that time slot helped ease the guilt we would only be present for a small part of the relay. I mean come on, talk about dedication :) So after a quick nap on my part (10 - 11:30 pm and sadly this was not my first nap at this time this previous week. Long story but I had a 9 page paper due at 1:00 am and hadn't started by 7pm. But a quick snooze and the paper got handed in :) Ahh to be a college student once again pulling all nighters (with evening cat naps because as my brother has pointed out on more than one occasion that I am an OTAS - older than average student. Aren't siblings fantastic? At least when it comes to keeping us humble :) So.....after a quick nap we were ready to go at 12:15 am to drive to the local high school track. It was crazy to see the track and field full of bright lights. There were even some fundraisers still working at 1 in the morning. People giving hair cuts and waxing, right there on the field. But both my hubby and I pointed out, Would you go to someone that you didn't know and PAY for a haircut at 1 am? It would make me nervous, though that booth did fantastic throughout our time there. Also there was someone giving massages for bonus funds intended for the ACS. That massage sure looked tempting after our numerous laps around the track. It was a very cool experience to see the tents, the three am turn-out, and the joy and enthusiasm that everyone seemed to embody. There were many luminaries lighting the track, many covered with drawings, photographs, and inspirational words all in memory or in honor of these everyday heroes. I am so excited we were able to participate in this inspiring event. We laughed, we cried (or okay maybe it was just me who got teary-eyed reading some of the luminaries), and we walked. and walked and walked :) This was an incredible part of my HealthFULL Journey. Again the day didn't go according to plan, but was so much better. If you would like to contribute, please visit: May your HealthFULL Journey lead you to unexpected blessings, for yourself and others. May everyday seem precious. And never overlook a moment to tell those who matter to you how much you care. 'Til we meet again. . .