Sunday, February 28, 2010

Junk food Junkie

My name is Suzy and I am a Junk-food Junkie. And I don't know why. I get these cravings and lose complete focus on everything else. I just am just fixated on getting potato chips and something sweet. (Little Debbies can you hear me calling?) And Ice Cream that is its own level of cravings. We were doing really well keeping out the junk food. Because I will totally confess, I cannot stop at one chip. I cannot stop at even one serving...or half a bag. So it really is just best to keep it away. Same with little Debbies, but that craving traces back to elementary school. You could buy a huge treat for a quarter from a gas station that was conveniently on the way home. And Ice cream, who doesn't love ice cream. I enjoy trying the kooky combinations. I sadly have to study the freezer when we go grocery shopping to make sure they haven't added new flavors. I know this is all a little too much information. But with this blog I am going for full disclosure and holding nothing back. How else can I expect to change my life (and improve it) than to air out the dirty laundry? But the truest form of junk food that frankly has defined my life.....Pop...or for those from other regions, soda. I can't imagine a time in my life that I didn't consume pop by the boat load. I have gone caffeine free, I have gone sugar free, and I have even gone caffeine sugar free. But I have not gone without. Recently I mentioned that water was becoming the drink of choice and LIMITING soda. However, a couple of rough days and late nights, Hello Diet Dr. Pepper. And yes I have heard the research, how diet soda is all chemicals, how it increases cravings, how it isn't even quenching true thirst, but it has been my friend and compadre many years. In our heyday I easily have drunk six to seven cans of soda whether it be sugar filled (roughly eight hundred calories) or diet kind (I do not want to know the chemical count). But for experimentation I had decided to give up soda for the Lenten season. It has been two and half weeks and I have to say there are days that I have the thought of a refreshing cola in the back of my head. A few days run down without my thirst being an issue and water has been the delicious filler. Eighteen days without a soda of any sort is definitely a record for me. At first my cravings for sugar were through the roof and now I am going through a salty (Sodium count can get high with soda)phase. I can't really explain it but I think I feel better without the soda. Once the cravings pass maybe I can be more descriptive and understand what truly feels different. This journey is definitely eye-opening and by Fully Understanding Life by Living I truly am appreciating new perspectives within new scenarios. I encourage you to switch things up. Because nothing changes your life more than allowing yourself the chance to view and experience things with a new perspective. Continue to enjoy your own HealthFULL Journey. 'Til we meet again. . .

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Well it is six months into the journey. I will not be the same after this year is done. I am excited by that fact. I wish I had more to report on the physical health but the focus has been leaning towards everything else it seems. I definitely have experienced life changes throughout this HealthFULL Journey but none that I expected nor planned. I will focus on the physical aspects as we come down the mountain. I am grateful for what I have learned thus far. The biggest change and why I haven't had much time to blog or anything else is I am a full-fledged college student once again. Crazy, exciting, and time-consuming. In the past I have promised quite a few people that I would return to complete my Bachelor's degree, but I must confess I had no idea if I ever would return. The longer one is away the farther the desire and the harder it is to pick up where one leaves off. It is part of my list of Undone. And though it is going to take several semesters to Finish. It is going to get crossed off the list. So I study my list to determine my next item to address. I reflect on my Journey thus far and am pleased. I do find it interesting that half way points tend to appear the farthest from a destination. You work so hard to get away from the starting point and then hit half-way and turn around to complete the journey. It sometimes looks bleak from this perspective but I know that with commitment, determination, and wonder this HealthFULL Journey is going to be worth it when crossing the finish line. I tell myself not to get discouraged. I tell myself to not get caught up in the drama or frustration. I tell myself that results are nice but not everything. It is the view on the Journey that will be everlasting. May you too Fully Understand Life by Living. Enjoy the view, rest up, and start heading home:) 'Til we meet again. . . .

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Do you feel some days you need to scream?
Of course, that's after you pull out all your hair!
There never seems to be any time to rest one's head and just dream!
Who can find one sock, let alone a pair?
Squeeze in a workout to squeeze into some jeans.
Hit the store with the healthifide grocery list,
Cross out ice cream to replace with good ol' beans.
Farewell, Creamy buttermilk ranch as you trade spots with vinaigrette mist!
Find the planner for some daily looks.
Must grab the laptop,
and hit the books;
all before I quickly drop!
Minutes don't tick - tock,
Because hours race.
What time is there to turn abs into rock?
All I want is just to keep up with my life's increasing pace.
I apologize for my whine.
I'll sniffle up my exhausted tears.
Don't worry about me, I'll be fine.
in a couple of years :)